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Full of Food and COVID in France

A Family Holday Vacation to France, December 2023

My family and I visit our relatives in France every couple years. We had been planning to travel to France for some time, but to put it nicely, we are very bad at planning. I knew that if we were to go, I would at least need to help to plan our flight itinerary. After some frustration and finesse, I was able to find some good flights which my dad graciously booked for us all.

Pure Unit System of Measurement

Let's get rid of pounds, kilograms, feet, meters, seconds, and degrees altogether and come up with a new, pure unit system based on limits of our universe, to describe our world. Believe it or not, this actually exists! It's called Planck Units, and it's a completely ideal system of measurement based on our universe's fundamental constants. For example, "speed of light"s describe quantities of velocity. Here's a really neat way to create Planck units using linear algebra and math. Since this is a blog post and not a scientific research paper, let's keep this simple, assuming there are only 4 (out of the seven) physical base units in our universe. Let's also assume our universe has 4 fundamental constants. See the tables below for the list of each and symbols.

The birth of my 3 'main' websites

Hello, world! This is my first post on this website, although I may retroactively add some prior work. Today I had time to work on my own projects, and I finally knocked this one out of the way. Today marks the birth of my 3 'main' websites. Those being:

  1. This one: - now
  2. My photography website:
  3. And, my homepage: (or

At work, I recently learned about a technique to generate beautiful documentation using a software package called mkdocs. I immediately started playing around with it and discovered it can be used for so much more than code documentation. As of this article, all 3 of my mentioned websites are using mkdocs to build the website.